Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Chole’s Journal #2: Getting Smarter with “I OPT”

By: Chloe (aka "OE"--Shannon Nelson's daughter)
Official Corporate Mascot

Professional Communications, Inc.

I am almost 8 and one-half now. I’ve grown up a lot. But I think I remember most of the important stuff that happened since my last blog. I think I will try to update it.

The first thing I remember is that there was a AWESOME fire. The offices where I worked for my first 18 months burned down. Mommy, Umpah (my name for Dr. Salton) and Carolyn had to work real hard. Things at the office were a mess. I was still real little so Mom and Esther decided that I should stay home. Esther would take care of me and do some work from my house.

If I was older I would have been worried. But it turned out to be really cool. We spent a lot of time learning new stuff. I learned how to tie my shoes. It’s is hard when your little. Your fingers don’t go where you want all of the time. And there are a lot of steps. You got to put the laces in the right place, twist them, fold them and pull them. One little mistake and nothing works. Esther said that making mistakes was okay. She said if I practiced I would learn. She was right. But it took a real lot of practice.

We also had a bunch of tea parties. It was fun doing complicated things just right. Esther and I had good talks at the party. Mommy and I sometimes had tea parties after work. I did not know it at the time but I was learning lots of things at the party. Now I know that I was learning social skills. That’s when you and someone else do something together. You can tie your shoes alone but you can’t have a tea party by yourself.

Mom told me that tea parties and tying shoes are kind of the same thing. She said I was learning procedures. These are just regular ways of doing things. Procedures make things easier. Then you have more time for really important stuff. Mom said that this was an LP strategy. She told me that she used it a lot. That gave her more time to take care of me. Now that’s like REALLY important stuff.

I worked with Esther during the day and Mommy at night learning procedures. There were lots of them. Buttoning your shirt. Eating soup with a spoon. Brushing your teeth. Getting video games to work right. Tons and tons of stuff. But all of the while Esther and Mom were sneaking in new stuff that had nothing to do with procedures. They were teaching me analysis. That is how things link to each other. It started with reading.

Me and Esther read a lot of books together. Then we would take walks. We saw frogs and worms and beetles and lots other creepy crawlers. Mom would read to me at night and on weekends. Some of the books had interesting stories about things other kids did. Mom said that books are fun. But they are also a way to learn about real things—frogs and beetles and things I could do if I wanted to. I got real interested in learning how to read. But it was a lot harder than tying shoes or tea parties or buttoning your shirt.

I know now that you need a different way of thinking to read. The procedures Mommy told me about are like real easy. You just figure out how to do things once. Then you do the same thing over and over and get the same result. Reading was different. The letters in the words changed all over the place. At first you could figure out some words. But you couldn’t put them together into a story. To do that you need to know ALL the words. I was still to little to do that.

Esther took care of me for about a year. Then Carolyn quit PCI to go back to school. It was time for things to change again. I was now big enough to go to school all day! And was I ever ready! I was going to learn to read, play with other kids and learn about all kinds of stuff. Yea for me! I was really excited.

school they used phonics to teach me to read. You just sound out words. At first it was hard. I made lots of mistakes. But I remembered that Esther said it was okay to make mistakes. Umpah told me that the reason reading was hard was that I had to learn to think in a different way. He said that with procedures you just needed to learn each part and then do them one after the other. All you have to do is remember. But with reading you have to be able to figure out how one thing leads to another.

Umpah told me that the phonics I used was really a system. He said this was a lot harder than a procedure. I had to learn the sounds letters made. Then I had to put the sounds together to make words. There are a bunch of letters that go together in lots of different ways and made different sounds. Since I already knew how to talk, once I could sound out a word I knew what it meant—most of the time. But then I had to put the words together into sentences that made sense. No wonder it takes a long time to learn to read. It is REALLY hard for a little kid.

I now know that what I was doing was learning to use what Umpah calls analysis. I was learning how to link one thing to another. Squiggles on a page became sounds and sounds became words. Then words went together to make sentences. Sentences went together to make stories. That’s a lot of stuff that has to go together just right.

I also learned about math in school. When I was really little it was just counting. Then I learned about addition. Next about subtraction. Then came multiplication and division. Now I’m learning about fractions. Talk about analysis! Everything is linked to something else. It’s AWESOME. I love it!

I think I am beginning to understand why Esther uses a lot of analysis. It helps you figure out stuff and make the right choices. But most of all, it is FUN! You know about things before they happen. You know things that other kids don’t. Even grownups treat you better. They want to hear what you have to say. And they really listen. Sometimes I am even able to get them to follow my advice! Knowing about HA stuff kind of makes you feel like a grownup even when you’re still just a kid.

Mom says I’m growing up fast. But I know I have a long way to go. In math there’s something called Algebra. Lots of kids say it is hard. But I figure I’ll be able to do it. All I got to do is to pay attention to how things fit together.

There is are gobs of other stuff to learn. At school we studied the solar system – another system. We studied biology and learned about environmental systems. We studied evolution and learned about how everything – plants, animals and even whole galaxies—turn from one thing into another. There are systems all over the place. I’m going to be working on analysis for a while. But I don’t mind. Its fun and a lot of the things you learn are really cool.

I’ve been in school a long time. I’m now in 3rd grade. When I started it was okay. We got to play a lot. As the years went by things began to change. At my school the kids tutor each other. When I was the tutor I had to explain something to younger kids. Then the light went off! That HA analysis stuff helped me put things into words other people could understand. The HA strategy wasn’t just about how to think. It was also about doing stuff.

Well, that’s about where I am. I’m understanding more and more. And I’m pretty happy about it. I understand why Esther likes the HA style. I see how Mommy uses her LP style to get a lot of stuff done. And I even see why Umpah likes using the RS style—its really exciting and just a lot of fun.

But Umpah tells me that there is more to come. Umpah invented the “I Opt” system (another system!) that I’m using as a lens for these blogs. Umpah is really, really, reeally old. He knows lots of stuff so I listen to him – most of the time. Umpah says that when I get old—maybe even a teenager—that I’ll begin to explore something called an RI style.

Umpah says that you get lots of ideas when you use RI. I told him I get lots of ideas now. He said that these ideas are important. But he say that I’ll be getting different kinds of ideas when I learn about the RI style. He said that I’ll be getting ideas that no one ever thought of before. Never before! Not ever! Boy, I can’t wait to try that out!!

I figure that I’m a pretty lucky girl. I have lots of friends to play with. There are lots of grownups who like me and help me when I need it. I’m learning lots of new stuff all of the time. And, since I am a junior Organizational Engineer, I know how I know things.

I’ll blog again when there is more to tell. But now I’ve got some homework to do and I’ve got to setup a weather station Umpah gave me. He says that if I pay attention to the numbers I’ll be able to figure out weather systems---another system!! Even in my time off I’m learning about systems! I’m sure glad I’m a kid and have time to learn all of this stuff. There sure is a lot.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Human Information Processing Development

By: Gary J. Salton, Ph.D.
Chief: Research & Development

Professional Communications, Inc.

People are not born with the full complement of information processing skills. They are developed over time. The means by which a human develops this capacity has many dimensions. Physical maturation, hormonal changes, psychological processes, emotional reactions and “intelligence” are among the host of variables involved.(1)

The fact that human beings develop as information processors is typically acknowledged but not explicitly addressed. This paper attempts to remedy this condition. It does this by focusing on the sequence that the various information-processing capacities evidence themselves with individual growth.

Once a capacity is initiated it does not operate exclusively. Capacities that have already been established continue to be exercised and refined. The picture becomes one of increasing information processing complexity as the individual matures.

The paper uses deductive logic rather than evidence-based research. The reason is that the “I Opt” survey tool requires a 6th grade reading level. In addition it has not been fully validated for a non-adult population as it has for adults
.(2) However, deductive logic is a disciplined system. There is criteria by which it can be judged to be sound (the premise is true) and valid (i.e., conclusion follows from its premise). The reader can make this judgment without assistance. 

The first task any infant is figure out what is changeable in their world. In other words, they have to identify the variables and how they behave. The “I Opt” Reactive Stimulator (RS) style is an ideal strategy for this purpose. The input of this strategy is unpatterned and the output is action. Anything that captures interest is potential input – this applies whether the subject is adult or child. 
 For the adult RS, pursuing an “interesting” variable is guided by an objective or goal. For a the infant there is no “goal.” Anything that captures interest is a potentially relevant variable worth pursuing. The infant pushes, pulls, smells, tastes and feels in an indiscriminate fashion. In this process they discover the range of variables and get an idea of how they behave. But that’s not all that happens.

In this discovery process the concept of cause and effect becomes evident. Things behave as a result of something happening to them. The child pushes a ball and it rolls. They pull a string and the attached duck approaches. Effectively, every infant discovers a crude version of Newton’s second law. This is the raw material of any definition of “intelligence.”

Logically, the RS process MUST be the first stage. There is no other option. Unless variables are identified there is nothing to work with. As the inventory of variables grows, the child begins to assemble the capacity to enter a second stage—the Logical Processor.

Grasping a spoon is at first a random activity. Somewhere along the line the child learns that grasping the spoon, filling the bowl with food and moving it to the mouth is an efficient way of satisfying hunger. The child has effectively invented a process or procedure.

The “I Opt” Logical Processor (LP) style best characterizes this process. The LP strategy uses a structured input and an action output. The processes and procedures require particular variables (e.g., a spoon and food). Once these are available they can be strung together into a procedure (i.e., the manner in which a process is executed) that produces favorable outcomes with a high degree of reliability.

The LP style applies equally well to the adult as to the child. The relative certainty of outcome is the same in both cases. For the adult, the complexity of the processes and procedures increases. But the same attention to detail, the same intense focus and the same methodical approach applies in both cases.

Knowledge of the variables is a precondition for any process. Therefore he LP process MUST follow the first stage RS. The reason that it is second rather than a later stage is that it automatically provides the “room” to purse developments that offer less immediate, longer-range benefits. Gaining command of life facilitating procedures (e.g., eating, sleeping, basic social navigation, etc.) provides the opportunity for the child to expand options. It is a natural second step.

However, the accumulation of variables, processes and procedures carries a price. They must be managed. For example, which specific procedure is applicable in this particular situation? What situational variables are relevant? Handling the inventory of rapidly accumulating knowledge requires a new facility. As this inventory accumulates the next facet of information processing begins to appear.

Sooner or later the child is confronted with the problem of arranging some kind of accessible inventory of variables and procedural options. This condition demands intellectual organization. The way that this is done is best represented by the “I Opt” Hypothetical Analyzer (HA) style.

The HA style uses a structured input similar to the procedurally-oriented LP. This means that particular (vs. random) elements of the environment are sought and used. But the output moves from the LP’s “action” to a “thought” orientation. In other words, an HA activity can be engaged in without affecting anyone else.

HA style development begins as an organizing procedure. The child begins to arrange things in some kind of order. This process is most visible when applied to variables. For example, toys are arranged in some kind of order. Less visibility, the child also begins arranging procedures. For example, teeth are brushed before climbing into bed. Ultimately the child begins extending this process into a purely intellectual realm. This is most easily illustrated by extending the bedtime example.

An established 8PM bedtime is initially a non-issue. For the child it is a given. A universal. A fixed constant. But then information flows in from a playmate. Their bedtime is 8:30PM. Suddenly it is discovered that the bedtime constant is really a variable. The parent begins to hear justice pleas. But that is not the end. This apparently inconsequential bit of new knowledge proceeds to ramify through a lifetime.

The child has discovered that constants are sometimes not really constant. What other seemingly fixed items can be changed? They need a way of testing things. They soon discover that the question of “why” satisfies this need.

They ask “why” and get reasoning as a response. A causal sequence (i.e., “be-cause” = “by the cause of”) is typically offered. For example, “you have to go to bed so you can be ready for school tomorrow.” It will not be long before the child figures out that there is no school on Saturday. With that insight the rationale for an 8PM bedtime has lost some of its validity. They have gained new knowledge directly applicable to their life. Parents begin to hear reasoned arguments. Life gets more complicated for everyone.

The adult using an HA strategy employs the same technique. Logical streams are tested against each other to establish validity. New knowledge is gained when inference permits a logical extension into previously unexplored areas. This is a kind of “in the box” thinking which discovers previously unrecognized relationships between known items. The value of this “in the box” kind of knowledge can be considerable.

For example, Michigan State University researchers fashioned a new anti-malaria vaccine by combining a disabled cold virus with an immune system-stimulating gene.(3) Both the virus and gene were known. Combining these “known's” produced new knowledge. For someone with an exposure to malaria this new knowledge is a “life or death” gain. There is nothing trivial about "in the box" thinking.

The combined RS, LP and HA styles are all that is needed in a stable environment. The processes of life would proceed. Incremental improvements will be enjoyed in the form of a continuous improvement gathered through the application of HA knowledge extensions. But an additional capacity is needed to realize major advances or to successfully confront significant environmental dislocations. That strategy is the idea-oriented Relational Innovator or RI strategic style. It is the fourth information processing strategy in the human developmental sequence.

The Relational Innovator or RI style combines the RS style’s unstructured input with the HA’s thought-oriented output. The absence of structure means that any variable that captures attention is potential input. Since input is not restricted, unexpected relationships (i.e., creativity, originality, etc.) are a natural outcome.

The RI output is thought-based strategy. New associations, systems, schemes, networks and other forms of variable organization can be created without the threats inherent in action. In other words, things can be proposed without “doing” anything. Because the both input and output are unrestricted there is a higher probability that the ideas will be of a quantum or profound nature. The RI strategy produces natural “out of the box” thinking.

Adults employing this style are often responsible for major changes. They are the people who offer new systems of thought (e.g., Albert Einstein), create entirely new classes of products or services (e.g., George Washington Carver) or influence the social structure of entire societies (e.g., Gloria Steinem of the early woman's movement). They can alter the variables the RS considers, the procedures the LP employs and the analytical structures of the HA. They are natural “game changers.”

Children can begin to deploy this strategy once they have gained some command of the HA strategy. The unpatterned input of the RS strategy acquired at the onset of life gives rise to unusual connections. This is the source of the often-recognized “creativity” in young children. But it is creativity without consequence. An unusual connection (i.e., a new idea) does not necessarily translate into a useful result.

To have a material effect the new idea must be framed in terms of a system, theory or some other organized framework. The child’s experience with the HA style provides knowledge of what constitutes “adequate” causal (i.e., cause and effect) reasoning. For example, a child might be able to envision herself as a fairy princess and trans-mutate a frog into a prince. This is deemed “pretend” because there is no specification on how this feat is to be accomplished, why the chosen process works or evidence (i.e., action) that it has in fact occurred.

Contrast this with Einstein’s proposition of the space-time dimension where space can be “bent” and time can be slowed or even stopped. At its inception this was as an outlandish of an idea as our fairy princess. The difference is that Einstein was able to fit his ideas into a framework—the Theory of Relativity. This caused his ideas to be taken seriously between the theory’s publication in 1905 and its confirmation by Arthur Eddington in 1919. Without Einstein’s what causes what and why explanation Eddington would never had undertaken the arduous confirmation (i.e., measuring the shift of star position during a solar eclipse).

The child accumulates an inventory of the “why’s” while expanding their HA capacity. At some point the child asks whether the “why’s” they know are the only possible “why’s.” Or they might encounter a situation that has no “why.” That is the point at which they begin to explore speculative alternatives of the RI style.

The environment determines the extent to which speculations are pursued and the depth with which they are specified. This environment includes schools as well as home, neighborhood and other situations in which the child can find themselves. But mother nature does not leave important things to chance. She uses biology to insure that everyone has at least some RI capacity.

The “rebellion” characterizing the teenage years is the tool by which that is accomplished. The child begins to reject the prescriptions of the parents and often their teachers. With this the established frameworks of navigating life are discarded (usually a temporary condition). Since life must go on, they child has to fashion some kind of alternative.

Mother nature provides by creating a compelling need for the child to immerse themselves in cohort specific relations. Peer associations become a primary guide. But peers carry the legacies of their different past environments. The relatively simple family world is replaced by a disjointed and perhaps chaotic milieu of shifting friends and associates each carrying a different message.

Puberty thus automatically provides a totally new environment in which things must be “sorted out.” This is a thought-based activity. Analytical HA capacities can handle some of this. But the typical chaos (both biological and social) is likely to generate totally new and unexpected (for the adolescent) relationships. With this the opportunity to explore the RI capacity automatically arises. Everyone leaves adolescence with at least some RI capability.

There is none. The hypothesized sequence with which the various styles develop does not in anyway suggest their relative importance. All of the styles are required for both the individual and for the human species to continue to exist and prosper.

The value of a particular style depends entirely on the situation in which it is applied. A surgeon would do well to have a substantial disciplined LP capacity. An entrepreneur benefits from a responsive, action-oriented RS ability. The high idea-oriented RI capacities of professors are well suited to their knowledge creation role. Engineers and scientists need a substantial HA capacity to figure out the complex issues that they confront daily. So which is the “more important” societal strategy? The obvious answer is that they all are.

In final analysis the order in which the strategic style capacities are developed says nothing about their value in adult society. Those who attempt to define one or another style as inherently more worthy are simply displaying their ignorance.

(1)The author wishes to acknowledge the contributions of Jean Piaget as well as many other pioneers in this subject area. The author has undoubtedly benefited from and assimilated elements of this knowledge in the course of his education. However, he has not studied them and they were not explicitly referenced in the development of this theoretical extension of “I Opt” technology. Scholars will undoubtedly find parallels and distinctions. To the extent that these contribute to the advancement of knowledge, they are welcomed – whether favorable or not to the author’s interest.

(2)Soltysik, Robert (2000), Validation of Organizational Engineering: Instrumentation and Methodology, Amherst: HRD Press.

(3)Michigan State University (2011, September 29). Modified vaccine shows promise in preventing malaria: Vaccine uses immune-stimulating gene. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 29, 2011, from­ /releases/2011/09/110926131810.htm

(4)The Relational Innovator (RI) hypothesis invites empirical testing. It suggests that children whose “rebellion” is characterized by encountering the most unexpected or disjointed (not good or bad, just variables that do not fit in with past experience) will tend to develop greater RI ability. They simply will have more practice and thus develop a greater command of the strategic style.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chloe's Journal #1: Growing Up With "I Opt"

By: Chloe (aka "OE"--Shannon Nelson's daughter)
Official Corporate Mascot

Professional Communications, Inc.
First Published: February 27, 2005

I was born into an organization. Mommy and Daddy were both their when I arrived on June 27, 2003. When I was four weeks old Mommy took me to work. Mommy works at a company called Professional Communications Inc. and they do Organizational Engineering. I was appointed Official Company Mascot.

As soon as I was able to crawl, Dr. Gary Salton made an Apprentice Organizational Engineer. I am now 18 months old, able to walk and am gaining increasing language capability. I have decided to use the Blog to document my journey to maturity using my knowledge of Organizational Engineering as a lens.

When I arrived at work I was using a Reactive Stimulator (RS) strategic style. I was entirely focused on "doing things" and wanted them quickly. When I cried, I wanted my diapers changed. Or, I wanted food. There was no need for perfection, just performance. I was using an unpatterned method for input. I was responsive to anything that caught my eye. Action was my favored output—typically "grab it." It was uncoordinated action, but action nonetheless. This is classic RS.

My original RS strategy did me a lot of good. I learned about a lot of things in my environment. I discovered that if you pulled a wire out of a wall you could disable an entire computer system. I discovered that buttons did things. If you pushed the one on the Uninterpretable Power Supply you could turn all of the computers off at once. These were valuable lessons. They are also directly relevant to my job as an apprentice Organizational Engineer.

I also discovered that the people who worked with me knew a lot of nifty stuff. Umpah (my name for Dr. Salton) knew all kinds of good stuff to do with toys. Esther read to me a lot and showed me that words made sounds I could understand. Carolyn knew a lot of good games like "row, row, row your boat." Mommy—well she’s just Mommy – she knows everything.

My RS strategy gave me a lot of good info about the world. It also helped me to discover that people could tell me things and do valuable things. The problem was that RS is less than dependable. Sometimes I got what I wanted, other times I didn’t. It was exciting but I knew that there had to be more.

As I was navigating life with my RS strategy I noticed something. There seemed to be a pattern in stuff. Esther always opened the book the same way. Her fingers always moved from left to right as she pointed to words. Umpah always had a few M&M’s in his breast pocket that I could get if I got him to lift me up. The games Carolyn played were a lot of fun but you had to play them a certain way to really have fun.

I’m now beginning to generalize on my RS experience. I’m still a bit of an RS—there is too much interesting stuff in the world not to pay attention to it. However, I’m getting more interested in getting exactly what I want on a more regular basis. My knowledge of "I Opt" tells me that the Logical Processor strategy is the way to dependably get what I want. Being an apprentice Organizational Engineer really helps in setting your life course.

My first professional experience with LP happened when I debriefed Steve and Nicole, two of the consultants who use "I Opt" technology, on our new Advanced Leader Report. I sat on Nicole’s lap and watched her going through the report. She turned the pages over. She did not throw them on the floor like I did. When she got done, I grabbed the report and began doing the same thing. WOW! Did I get the praise from everyone around the table. Doing things "right" has a payoff!

On a personal basis, I discovered that rituals are nice. Mommy and I go through the same routine every time I go to bed. Mommy does this and I do that. It is a process. This gives me assurance that everything has been taken care of and that it is safe to go to sleep. That is important. At my age you cannot be sure what sleep means. It could be dangerous. The ritual gives me comfort that the outcome will be the same as last time.

I am leaning a lot of other processes and procedures everyday. At school I learned about the song circle—it is a lot of fun to do things in unison with other kids. I learned that if you hold a pencil in a particular way you can draw more good stuff. I am now learning about the mouse and keyboard. If you do things in a particular way you can get Elmo to play games with you on his website. I figure I have a ways to go to really command the LP strategy but I am on my way. Things get better every day!

I do have an observation on the LP acquisition process. It is important to tell me what to do. Telling me not to do something does little good. There are too many things not to do. Excluding a few of them by "disciplining me" does not really help. Umpah tells me that there is something called the behavioral cascade. He says that some behaviors automatically exclude others. He says that if I learn the right thing to do, the wrong things will just disappear. You cannot do right and wrong things at the same time and in the same place. I think that this is the way kids ought to learn. It is efficient, effective and fun. I am coming to believe that this is what Organizational Engineering is all about.

I have long way to go to become a good LP. However, I am eying Esther. You can see she tries to figure out stuff before she does anything. She says she is "analyzing" things. I am not sure what that means but it looks hard. I will keep my eye on her. Maybe it will be useful when I finish with this LP stuff.

Since I am only 18 months old, I sometimes have a hard time getting my thoughts on paper. I have enlisted Umpah and Esther as scribes. They help me get my thoughts in order and get them on the Blog. However, these are really my thoughts and I plan to share more of them later. Right now, I have to go play with Elmo and watch Barney on TV.